Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

Linus Torvalds

Linus Benedict Torvalds (lahir 28 Desember 1969 di Helsinki, Finlandia) adalah rekayasawan perangkat lunak Finlandia yang dikenal sebagai perintis pengembangan kernel Linux. Ia sekarang bertindak sebagai koordinator proyek tersebut.

Linux terinsipirasi oleh Minix (suatu sistem operasi yang dikembangkan oleh Andrew S. Tanenbaum) untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem operasi mirip-Unix (Unix-like) yang dapat dijalankan pada suatu PC. Linux sekarang dapat dijalankan pada berbagai arsitektur lain.

Ketika Linus Torvalds, seorang mahasiswa Finlandia pendiam membagi-bagikan kode sumber (source code) kernel Linux seukuran disket via internet di tahun 1991, ia sama sekali tidak menduga bahwa apa yang dimulainya melahirkan sebuah bisnis bernilai milyaran dolar di kemudian hari.

Ia bahkan tidak menduga Linux kemudian menjadi sistem operasi paling menjanjikan, yang bisa dibenamkan ke dalam server, komputer desktop, tablet PC, PDA, handphone, GPS, robot, mobil hingga pesawat ulang alik buatan NASA.

Tidak hanya itu, banyak maniak Linux (Linuxer) yang membeli perangkat buatan Apple dan mengganti sistem operasinya dengan Linux. Bagi saya itu sedikit gila, mengingat menghapus sistem operasi Mac & iPod berarti membuang duit dan menggantinya sistem operasinya cukup sulit dibanding desktop berbasis Windows. Saat ini 20% pangsa pasar desktop di seluruh dunia menggunakan Linux jauh di atas Machintosh dan terus mengejar desktop Windows. Dan 12,7% server di seluruh dunia menggunakan Linux, jauh di atas UNIX, BSD, Solaris, dan terus meningkat menggerus pangsa pasar server Microsoft.

Saat ini Linus meninggalkan posisi menjanjikan di perusahaan semi konduktor Transmeta dan tinggal bersama istri dan 3 anaknya di sebuah bukit di desa di Portland, Oregon, USA, berdekatan dengan markas Open Source Development Labs. Organisasi nirlaba ini diawaki oleh 20-an programmer yang punya gairah hampir sama dengan Linus. Mereka terus mengembangkan kernel Linux yang kini berukuran 290-an MegaBytes atau melebihi 9 milyar baris kode. Linux beserta timnya menerima masukan baris-baris kode dari seluruh penjuru dunia, menyortir, menetapkan skala prioritas dan memasukkan gagasan paling brilian ke dalam kernel. LSD sendiri disokong oleh puluhan raksasa IT seperti IBM, HP, Dell dan Sun, baik dari sisi materi maupun sumber daya manusia.

Linus bukan orang pertama yang membagi-bagikan source code karena pola ini adalah hal yang biasa di masa awal tumbuhnya industri komputer. Tapi Linus sukses menetapkan standar yang memaksa banyak pengembang ikut membebaskan kode sumber program mereka, mulai dari BSD, Solaris, Suse, Java hingga Adobe.

Meski hanya bergaji ratusan ribu dolar pertahun, Linus telah menciptakan banyak multimilyuner dalam industri komputer mulai dari RedHat, Suse, Debian, Mandriva, Ubuntu dan banyak developer software open source lainnya. Hampir tak ada yang berubah dari Linus. Ketika ia datang terlambat di suatu konferensi IT, ia bahkan tak segan-segan duduk di lantai dengan celana pendek dan sepatu-sandal kesukaannya. Ia bahkan tidak marah tatkala memberikan pidato di mimbar dan diinterupsi oleh beberapa programmer BSD yang maju ke depan panggung yang mengklaim bahwa kernel BSD jauh lebih hebat ketimbang kernel Linux. Ia bahkan tidak segan-segan memakai T-Shirt BSD yang disodorkan pemrotes dan melanjutkan pidatonya.

Menurut Linus, apa yang dilakukannya hanyalah untuk berbagi. Berbeda dengan Richard M Stallman yang fanatik dengan konsep free software, Linus hanya menekankan sisi keterbukaan (open), tak peduli apakah kemudian dalam suatu sistem operasi bercampur program free dan proprietery.

Setiap kata-kata Linus hampir menjadi sabda di kalangan Linuxer yang menciptakan standar nilai tertentu. Setiap publikasi, pidato, email dab press releasenya selalu ditunggu-tunggu jutaan orang. Di sela kesibukannya, Linus menyempatkan diri bersepeda menuruni bukit dan minum di bar desa. Bila ada nabi dalam dunia komputer, bisa dipastikan itu Linus (dan Steve Wozniak). Dan setan nya tentu Bill Gates :)
Linux kernel is the kernel used in the operating system GNU / Linux. The kernel of this family is derived from the UNIX operating system, released with a license to use the GNU General Public License (GPL), and developed by programmers around the world. Linux is an example of free software and open source.

Linux was first written by Linus Benedict Torvalds in 1991. At that time, the GNU Project has made many components needed to build a free operating system, but have not had a kernel that underlies the application components. Actual time, there are strong candidates as the foundation GNU operating system, called the Hurd, but development has not been completed. At the beginning of development, Linux is very simple. But owing to the support of all parties (especially community Minix operating system) that contribute to the idea that Linux can be developed.

[edit] History

In April 1991, Linus Torvalds, who aged 21 years to start work memikirikan some ideas for an operating system. He started work with a task switcher in the assembly language for the Intel 80386 and a driver terminal. And, on 25 August 1991, he wrote a posting in the newsgroups comp.os.minix:

I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobbies, will not be big and professional like gnu) for 386 (486) AT clones. This has been brewing since April, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on things people like / dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat (same physical layout of the file-system (due to the Practical reasons) among other things). I've currently ported bash (1.08) and gcc (1.40), and things seem to work. This implies that I'll get something Practical within a few months [...] Yes - it's free of any minix code, and it has a multi-Threaded fs. It is NOT portable (uses 386 task switching etc), and it probably never will support anything other than AT-Harddisks, as that's all I have :-(. [...] It's Mostly in C, but most people Mr. call what I write C. It uses every conceivable feature of the 386 I could find, as it was also a project to teach me about the 386. As already mentioned, it uses a MMU, for both paging (not to disk yet) and segmentation. It's the segmentation that makes it REALLY dependent 386 (every task has a 64MB segment for code and data - max 64 tasks in 4Gb. anybody who needs more than 64Mb/task - Tough cookies). Some of my [...] "C"-files (specifically mm.c) are almost as much assembler as C. [...] Especially those minix, I also happen to LIKE interrupts, so interrupts are handled without trying to hide the reason behind them. [3]

Then, many people contribute ideas and code to Linux project. Until September 1991, the Linux version is released 0:01, with the 10,239 lines of code, which is then followed by a 0:02 version in October 1991. In December 1991, released a Linux version 0:11

Finally Can
After speaking to wait months to the end as well. Finally lot (BYON m31 T5550) may be in the installation of Linux operating system, Ubuntu precisely 8:10 interprid ibex. I try to use original Mandriva kde.2008 but when incoming want to stage live cd arrived arrived for a road again. I continue to try again but this time I switch on the model verbose mode, but I remain the same way.
I continue to try to ask the question (in some people who have the instruction linux) said chipsetnya lot, so I ndukung (chipsetnya packing SIS), and I was disappointed the spirit again, but I try to PC in the house that speknya small packet of the Celeron but I forget specificity . after I try it can. Say thanks to god .... finally succeeded. but still not satisfied because I'm at home in week 2 days doank q I must study outside the island (madurese have). Pas and lecture about the Operating System I ask friends and lecturers. I recommend to use the latest release distributions. I finally pinjem punyaknya sister class to the latest output but also can do the same (with all that she can g brain atik?). Finally I towards BYON center and consultation with their answers also appeared chipsetnya lot g ndukung. Finally, I'm almost tired of despair. 26 November I took a seminar linux (introduction) distributions output from the latest Ubuntu. I also ask the question in the forum is still the same answers. Until the end I was married children ITC clubnya time I took the linux I know there's masternya linux Unijoyo bang Rotua I ask the question, and ultimately brain atik lot in the first elive can use linux, but when will be installed in (after entering with a live CD) to mention the g can. 2 weeks after that (shirt yesterday) I forget to take the CD's end elive bang Rotua with 8:10, Ubuntu. Ketuka fun willing to install the option's consciousness that Rotua and in the settings (I'm not sure we load up again) and can eventually succeed in the install even though my resolution to the standard 800x600 and some other applications, and the relationship's resolution (Cube Desktop effects, etc. ). But she is now important that I can crawl and brain atik linux today, a real party. Thanks Bang Rotua that I never care help me. Gooo ......